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Volume 9, Issue 1, January 2023

A Study on the Trend in Job Hopping Post Pandemic Among Millennials and Gen Z



Job-hopping is the activity of changing jobs frequently within a period of two years. Though the job-hopping phenomenon is quite old, the Millennials generation, followed by Gen Z, can be seen performing job-hopping influenced by several factors. Post-pandemic, the levels of job hopping are on the rise. It has become difficult for organizations to retain talented employees. The costs incurred by organizations in the recruitment process are high. This excludes the cost of training and development invested by the company in the recruit. Other than monetary losses, organizations also find it difficult to maintain the quality of their products and services. The researchers conducted a survey and also analyzed recent research papers and articles to find out the probable reasons for the rise in job hopping. The result of the study was that intrinsic and extrinsic factors influenced job hopping, along with the pandemic having an impact on the perception of work among the employees.


  • Job Hopping
  • Job Hopping Factors
  • Post-pandemic Job Hoping
  • Work Motivation.

How to Cite

Pawar, J., & Pandit, R. S. (2023). A Study on the Trend in Job Hopping Post Pandemic Among Millennials and Gen Z. PARIDNYA- The MIBM Research Journal, 9(1), 01–12. Retrieved from


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