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Volume 4, Issue 1, September 2016

Gender Equality and Sustainable Development



Human beings are very fortunate enough than any other living being on the planet earth. Because we have the advantage of regulating ourselves as ourselves as we wish .Unlike other animals we can live and let others live. I am sure no other species on the earth can lead their life as mush comfortable as men and women. But, from the ancient times itself, there exists a discrimination between the male and feminine gender. As a result the society has been marked as male dominated for generations together but for the recent developments in the 20th century. Though women are more or less equal in number of men, we don't find considerable number of women in any development indicators like education, employment, entrepreneurship and politics, social service and foreign assignments etc. The development of any nation is meaningful when both male and women are equally involved in carrying the nation forward and enjoy the fruits of the development. The fact, that out of 196 countries in the world, only 18 countries are ruled by women, highlights the balance of gender unfair equality. Even in the most advanced countries like U.S the compensation packages offered to women employees are relatively low which is a true reflection of the unfair treatment being meted out to the women. It is a good sign in recent times that women are allowed into various economic growth activities in a significant number by taking advantage of technical and psychological changes in the global scenario ensuring the sustainable development across the globe.


  • Compensation Package
  • Unfair Equality
  • Sustainable Development.

How to Cite

Pandurangarao, J., & Narendra Kumar, K. (2016). Gender Equality and Sustainable Development. PARIDNYA- The MIBM Research Journal, 4(1), 1–11. Retrieved from


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